Meet new people.
Have fun in Boston.
Save money.
Meet new people. Have fun in Boston. Save money.
An app to integrate college lives and city businesses.
Get started.
Upload your BU ID to get verified.
Edit your profile and set your preferences. Your interests will then be matched with another student.
This section displays a variety of activities offered by different businesses in Boston that you and your buddy can enjoy together. Thanks to a partnership with your college, you can access these activities at discounted rates.
Dark mode on.
It’s time to choose your buddy. You’re gonna choose an American person if you are international, viceversa if you are not. On the right you can find the predicted compatibility based on your common interests and personalities.
BUse tracks your spending. It also shows how your currency is doing in the global market (made specifically for international students).
Here, you can view your highest spending instances and filter them by specific periods. You also have the option to set a monthly budget. The BUse app will track this budget and categorize your spending accordingly.
Here, buddies have the option to exchange money, providing financial support if one of them is facing financial challenges.