Kitchen Blue Print is a software developed for small businesses like bakeries and bars in the Cambridge area of Boston. It assists these businesses in optimizing food waste and boosting profits through cost-benefit analysis. Additionally, the software helps understand customer preferences, suggests new products, and enables businesses to monitor their food inventory through various stages, from acquisition to sale.

Kitchen Blue Print


Why not integrate businesses around Boston with students’ social lives?

BUshare experience. This app is designed to pair one American student with one international student at Boston University to enhance their social experiences. By integrating with local businesses in the area, the app aims to make their interactions more enjoyable and exciting.

My tennis clothes  

One day I decided to create my personalized tennis clothes. Instead of ordering pre-made products, I preferred to start from scratch.

My online store experience

I opened an online store to resell a particular rechargeable thermos bottle. I used Shopify first and Amazon FBA after. I ended up closing the store due to very unfavorable cost-benefit conditions, but I consider it a great experience “on the field”.